This is not your average “Yin Class.” Each practice offers a space to center with the breath and meditate in surrendered states of subtlety, in order to align the mind-body with heart to free us from negative ongoing patterns with moment-to-moment awareness. Inspired by the Taoist Philosophy, students are encouraged find their own way or path to access practice. This slow-paced fusion practice style weaves together a series of longer held poses, offering an opportunity for a meditative experience. While practitioners are guided toward holding poses for longer periods of time (anywhere from 1-3 minutes), there is an internal arts flow of movement component indicative of the Qigong/Chi-kung approach, where the Taoist influence & development of Vedic Yoga traditions comes into play. This moving meditation, often referred to as flow is incorporated to break up the stagnant energy / Qi (Chi) that can emerge for some through long held passive posturing, as well as for transitional purposes. Infused into the practice are some of the unique aspects closer to the more classical Qigong/Chi-Kung techniques that include Self-Massage & Acupressure, which can be done from a grounded/earthly seated and/or standing poses/posture flow. Often mythical characters, storytelling, poetry and philosophy are integrated for a reflective experience. A “prop-less” approach to practice will be presented, though you are welcomed to use what you have to create more access if need be… Sometimes, less is more. Appropriate for Experienced Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.
***These special classes will be available online (for in person participation you must notify DSA to reserve a spot as capacity it limited in studio due to pandemic)... "View Broadcast" link via Zoom directly through website, watch from main DSA page via "Facebook Live" (IG TV streaming TBA)! Use you membership/class card or make a sliding scale contribution depending on what you are able to afford &/or invest in us (suggested donations range from $7-$20 in cash or the contact free method via Venmo (@gabrielle-burke-1) & via PayPal (@DSArbs #5011) or reach out to make other arrangements in support the programming we offer through Dragon spirit Arts!
See the CLASS CALENDAR page for SCHEDULE thru Dec, 2020!