Join our wonderful instructor Neha for a special practice 2 x per month devoted to restoring the reserve energy to Find the relaxed flow…
Unwind in stillness & relax in movement in this class that incorporates a therapeutic approach to practice by Candlelight. The focus on centering the mind brings soothing breath into ground the body for alignment. A slow-pace style of practice where time is spent relaxing in some postures / Asanas, for a restorative experience. At other times it’s all about exploring gentle movement where emphasis is on flowing between the placement of the poses/ Vinyasa, for a tension release sensation. Myth, storytelling, poetry or philosophy are presented for a reflective experience and props are often used to access poses for time while honoring limitations. Appropriate for Experienced Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced.
Save your spot on the mat in person or as with all our classes you can practice virtually as well… to See Upcoming Dates on Calendar + Register Click HERE!