Join Gabrielle as we continue to bring in the Lunar New Year & honor the coming of spring shifts in the midst, moving past the Element of Fire into the present Element of Earth... Usually this is a Monthly offering leans mostly toward what we've come to call the Vinyasa Flow style of practice, while those aspects remain present, this monthly practice also lends itself to the roots of the Taoist Style, which brings in elements of the 5000 year old Kundalini Yoga & or Tao Yin Lung Shen (the way of the dragon spirit) Qigong traditions... Still Grounded in the concept of harmonizing with the earth’s cycles, less active / Yin inspired practice explores the subtleties of a slow paced relaxed flow / Vinyasa sequencing that’s geared toward unwinding in steady alignment with the Yin energy of the setting sun. Expect mellow variations of Salutation and a gentle energetic flow embodied meditative movement sequences that keep it all connected. This class is designed to inspire the integration of breath & fluid moves and softly posed postures... Appropriate for Experienced Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced.
$15 to Drop in
1 Credit off Class Card or use Memberships for unlimited classes...