Taoist Mystical Yoga/Chi-Kung
Taught by Gabrielle de Burke (aka Plum Dragoness) of Dragon Spirit Arts
The workshop will focus on performing a combine series of still postures, moving meditations and breathing that places importance on the synchronization of mind, body and spirit through Taoist Yoga/Chi-kung techniques. The particular style of Tao Yin Lung Shen (“way of the dragon spirit“ or however one chooses to interpret it) is a combination of ancient classical Chi Kung & Ha-Tha Yogic exercises. The roots of this practice lend itself to the traditions of Taoist legends; associating particular Chinese myths with animal spirits (Dragon, Tiger, Monkey, Crane, Phoenix, Snake, etc.), mystics (Sage, Warrior, Goddess etc.) the Five Elements found in nature (Water, Metal, Fire, Wood & Earth). Principals of cultivating the balance of the body’s Yin & Yang aspects are applied to opening the energy centers (Tan Tiens//Chakras) while awakening the powerful Serpentine or Dragon like movements of the spine. The workshop will be accessible to a range of experience…
Still postures, moving meditations & breathing to synchronize of mind, body & spirit with ancient classical Chi Kung & Kundalini Yogic exercises from Taoist legends of the animal spirits (Dragon, Crane, etc.), mystics (Sage, Goddess, etc.) & the Five Elements (Water, Metal, Fire, Wood & Earth).
$15 for Members, $20 for General Registration
(Those experiencing economic hardship can make arrangements to participate on a sliding scale basis $7-12)